Thursday, May 12, 2005

Introduction to Website

After much deliberation I decided to enter the world of the blogs. After being influenced by the success of Hirhurim by the always thoughtful R' Gil Student, I decided I would make an attempt to contribute to the world of thought and scholarship already prevalant on the WWW. I named the website Orot| Lights after a book by HaRav HaGaon Avraham Yitzchak HaCohen Kook ZT"L (here after known as RAYK). I consider RAYK to have had a powerful influence on my "machshava" and it is my desire to explore his thought and the thought of other Gaonim and Tzadikim on this blog. I appreciate any user comments and I look forward to some good hearted debate. It is my hope that this website will be a Kiddush Hashem and that myself and all readers will benefit from this endevour

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